mlut documentation

4 #core-styles Core styles

Base styles for mlut library.

Source: content/main.css, line 1430

4.1 #core-styles.css_vars CSS variables

Global CSS custom properties which used in mlut.

  • --ml-gg
    grid gutter.
    Defaults to: 0.75rem
  • --ml-gscc
    number of columns in the grid system. Sets by $gs-columns. Available only with $legacy-grid-system flag enabled
    Defaults to: 12
Source: ../src/sass/core/styles/variables.scss, line 3

4.2 #core-styles.generic Generic

Generic CSS that contains box-sizing, reset, browser bugs fixes etc. You can configure it with settings.

Source: ../src/sass/core/styles/generic.scss, line 5