1 #start Getting started
There are 2 ways to start using mlut:
- toolkit: with CLI or plugin
- assembled CSS distributive
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1.1 #start.main Main package
The main package contains CLI and assembled CSS distributive
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1.1.1 #start.main.install Installation
npm i mlut -D
CSS only with demo theme:
<link href="https://unpkg.com/mlut@latest/dist/mlut-demo-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
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1.1.2 #start.main.usage Usage
You can get assembled mlut code and include it to your project. There are some ways to get a distributive.
- just plug in with CDN
- if used
, files are innode_modules/@mlut/core/dist/
Add the files to your page like here:
<link href="css/mlut-demo-theme.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
And just use classes in the markup:
<div class="D-g Gtc-t3">
<div class="Bd P2u">
<h3>Simple text</h3>
You can use the toolkit in 2 modes
- JIT: generate utilities on demand. The JIT engine scans your markup and generates only the utilities you use. This is current and recommended mode of working with mlut. Here you can use our CLI or a plugin for bundlers
- AOT: generate utilities using Sass tools only. You specify in the Sass configuration what utilities you want and the generator creates them (usually more than you need). This is legacу mode, but it is still working and supported. We have no plans to deprecate it for now
CLI for the JIT mode:
mlut [-i input.scss] [-o output.css] [--watch] [options...]
-h, --help Print this help message
-i, --input Input Sass file
-o, --output Output CSS file
-w, --watch Watch for changes and rebuild as needed
-m, --minify Generate minified CSS file
--content Paths to content with markup
--autoprefixer Add vendor prefixes to CSS properties. The 'autoprefixer' is required
--no-merge-mq Prevent merging of CSS media queries during minification
In the input Sass file, you can customize mlut and write your own styles. Input file is optional, but if you use it, you must import mlut
@use 'mlut' with (
$breakpoints: (
'xxl': 1600px,
$colors: (
'red0': #f20,
.complex-block {
// CSS
You can add the JIT options here too. Options must be a valid JSON, but single quotes is allowed. Paths will be resolved relative to the JIT engine working directory
@use 'mlut' with (
$jit: (
'output': 'src/assets/css/style.css',
'content': [
'src/*.ejs', 'src/assets/js/*.js'
To start the build process:
npx mlut -i src/assets/sass/style.scss -w
Add the compiled CSS to your template, then start adding mlut classes to your markup
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link href="/assets/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<body class="M0">
<h1 class="C-red Fnw800 P2u">
Lorem Ipsum
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1.2 #start.integrations Integrations
mlut has a plugins for Rollup, Vite and Webpack that based on unplugin
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1.2.1 #start.integrations.install Installation
npm i -D @mlut/plugins sass-embedded
When using this package, you will need to install Sass separately. We recommend sass-embedded, but regular sass is also suitable.
This allows you to control the versions of all your dependencies, and to choose which Sass implementation to use.
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1.2.2 #start.integrations.options Options
The plugin options are similar to the mlut CLI options
interface Options {
output: string,
input?: string,
minify?: boolean,
autoprefixer?: boolean,
noMergeMq?: boolean,
You can add the options in your input Sass file too. Options must be a valid JSON, but single quotes is allowed. Paths will be resolved relative to the JIT engine working directory
@use '@mlut/core' with (
$jit: (
'output': 'dist/assets/style.css',
'minify': true,
'autoprefixer': true
output CSS file -
input Sass file when you import mlut, configure it and write other CSS -
generate minified CSS. For this option to work, you need 1 of the following minifiers: csso, lightningcss, clean-css, cssnano or esbuild. You may already have it installed. When usinglightningcss
, you will also need to install browserslist -
whether to add vendor prefixes to CSS properties. You need the autoprefixer package or lightningcss for this option to work -
prevent merging of CSS media queries during minification. Relevant only when using the csso minifier
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1.2.3 #start.integrations.usage Usage
Import the plugin for the appropriate bundler from the @mlut/plugins
package as in one of the examples below. You can find more detailed examples using dev-server and livereload in the plugin tests directory
We also recommend adding the input file right away:
// style.scss
@use '@mlut/core';
// your CSS or mlut config
, line 198 #start.integrations.usage.rollup Rollup
Update the config:
// rollup.config.js
import { rollup } from '@mlut/plugins';
const mlut = rollup({
output: 'dist/style.css',
// other options...
export default {
// rollup config...
plugins: [mlut],
Add the compiled CSS to your index.html
<link href="assets/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
Start your build process:
rollup --config rollup.config.js -w
Add the mlut classes to your components:
// index.js
const component = `
<div class="wrapper Mm7">
<h1 class="Fns5r C-purple">Rollup plugin test!</h1>
<p>Lorem about mlut</p>
, line 216 #start.integrations.usage.vite Vite
Update the config:
// vite.config.js
import { vite } from '@mlut/plugins';
const mlut = vite({
output: 'dist/assets/style.css',
// other options...
export default defineConfig(() => {
return {
// vite config...
plugins: [mlut],
Add the compiled CSS to your index.html
. Note that the path to it should be the same as in the production build:
<link href="assets/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
Start your build process:
Add the mlut classes to your markup:
<h1 class="C-red Fnw800 P2u">Lorem Ipsu</h1>
, line 259 #start.integrations.usage.webpack Webpack
Update the config:
// webpack.config.js
import { webpack } from '@mlut/plugins';
const mlut = webpack({
output: 'dist/style.css',
// other options...
export default {
// webpack config...
plugins: [mlut],
Add the compiled CSS to your index.html
<link href="assets/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
Start your build process:
webpack watch
Add the mlut classes to your components:
// index.js
const component = `
<div class="wrapper xl_Mm8">
<h1 class="Fns5r xl_C-red">Webpack plugin test</h1>
<p>Lorem about mlut and Webpack</p>
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