mlut documentation

My Little UI Toolkit


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Atomic CSS toolkit with Sass and ergonomics for creating styles of any complexity
Get almost all power of CSS in one utility!

GIF animation with usage example


Strong naming convention


  • .justify-*: content, items or self?
  • .flex => display: flex, but .flex-auto => flex: 1 1 auto;
  • .bg-none - reset all background? Nope, only background-image


  • .br-0 => border-right-width: 0, but .br1 => border-radius:.125rem
  • .normal: line-height, font-weight or letter-spacing?
  • .b: bottom, border or display: block? Nope, it is font-weight:bold!


  • .Jc-c => justify-content: center, .Js-c => justify-self: center
  • .Bdr => border-right: 1px solid, .Bdrd1 => border-radius: 1px

One algorithm for all. If you know CSS, you almost know mlut.

Almost arbitrary by design

  • values: .Ml-1/7 => margin-left: -14.3%
  • states: Bgc-red200_h,f => .Bgc-red200_h\,f:hover, .Bgc-red200_h\,f:focus {...}
  • at-rules: @:p-c,w>=80r_D-f => @media (pointer: coarse), (min-width: 90rem) {...}

Great ergonomics

Shorter class names:

<!-- Example from -->

<!-- Tailwindcss -->
<div class="hidden md:block md:col-span-6 md:col-start-7 lg:col-span-5 lg:col-start-8 pb-6 relative md:max-h-[130vh] reduced-motion:translate-y-0 will-change-transform duration-1000 ease-in-out transition-all reduced-motion:opacity-100">...</div>

<!-- mlut -->
<div class="D-n md_D md_Gc-s1 md_Gcs7 lg_Gc-s5 lg_Gcs8 Pb6u Ps md_Mxh130vh Tf @:pfrm_-Try0 Wlc-tf Tsd1s Tstf-eio Ts-all @:pfrm_O1">...</div>

Convenient syntax for complex values, states and at-rules. It is like Vim for CSS.

❌ Tailwindcss:

  • [@media(any-hover:hover){&:hover}]:opacity-100
  • text-[color:var(--my-var,#333)]
  • supports-[margin:1svw]:ml-[1svw]

✅ mlut:

  • @:ah_O1_h => @media (any-hover) { .\@\:ah_O1_h:hover { opacity: 1 } }
  • C-$myVar?#333 => color: var(--ml-myVar, #333)
  • @s_Ml1svw => @supports (margin-left: 1svw) { .\@s_Ml1svw { margin-left: 1svw } }

Handy extension

Add utilities, states and custom at-rules with few lines of code

@use 'mlut' as ml with (
  // add utilities
  $utils-data: (
    'utils': (
      'registry': (
        'Mil': margin-inline,
        'Ir': (
          'properties': image-rendering,
          'keywords': (
            'p': pixelated,

  // add states
  $utils-config: (
    'states': (
      'custom': (
        'are': '[aria-expanded=“true”]',

@include ml.apply('Mil-15_-are Ir-p');

// CSS

.Mil-15_-are[aria-expanded=“true”] {
  margin-inline: -15px;

.Ir-p {
  image-rendering: pixelated;

And also...

  • 💅️ Written in Sass and includes all its benefits
  • ⚡ JIT (on-demand) and AOT mods are available
  • 🔧 Fully customizable: change tokens, utilities names and any settings
  • Easy to integrate in existing project. No name collisions with your CSS in the most projects. Increasing specificity in one line or for one utility.


  • Sass tools
  • opt-in CSS library
  • Sass addons
  • JIT engine


The library part of toolkit consists of:

  • base styles - variables and generic CSS like reset, normalize etc.
  • helpers - similar to utilities: the same universal, but more complex and can consist of several CSS rules

The library is modular and you can include only what you need


Sass tools include:

  • settings based on which the everything works
  • mixins and functions with which you can generate utilities and write styles


Addons may contains any tools, settings and styles. Addons now at the preview stage and in the future be moved to separate packages

What next?

  • plugins for popular bundlers and frameworks
  • first class CSS functions in utilities values
  • and much more!

