mlut documentation

3 #how_to How to

Ways to solve standard tasks

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3.1 #how_to.mk_utils Utils Generation (AOT)

mlut has 3 methods for generating utility classes:

  1. in the configuration when importing
  2. with special mixins
  3. with top-level apply mixin
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3.1.1 #how_to.mk_utils.std Standard ways

Standard methods include creating through config and using mk- mixins. As the values of utilities, you can use a list or map. The generation syntax can be used both in the names of utilities/groups and in the values.

		'cardXs': 12r,
		'sm0': 560px,

// CSS
.Mxw-cardXs {
	max-width: 12rem;

.Mxw-sm0 {
	max-width: 560px;

If you add new values via map, they will appended to the registry and after ,you can use them again.

You can find other examples of the standard way usage in the basic concepts.

Source: content/main.css, line 853 #how_to.mk_utils.std.cfg In the config

The main method of creating utilities - in config. Use map $utils. As keys, specify the names of utilities or groups.

@use 'mlut' with (
	$utils: (
		'D': ('', 'n'),
		'xl_P': 10e,

// CSS
.D {
	display: block;

.D-n {
	display: none;

.P10e {
	padding: 10em;

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
	.xl_P10e {
		padding: 10em;
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3.1.2 #how_to.mk_utils.groups Utilities groups

For mass generation utilities, you can use groups. Existing groups can be found here, and you can add new ones to $utils-groups map.

@include'Paddings', 150);

// CSS
.P150 {
	padding: 150px;

.Pt150 {
	padding-top: 150px;

.Pr150 {
	padding-right: 150px;

// etc.
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3.1.3 Keywords alias

To generate the values of the utility with all the keywords, use KW in the list or map of values. You can also get a specific keywords group from common section of the utils registry. To do this, specify the name of the group through the dot: KW.colors

@include'Ec', 'KW');

// CSS
.Ec-s {
	empty-cells: show;

.Ec-h {
	empty-cells: hide;
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3.1.4 #how_to.mk_utils.kw_cp Keywords of components control

In the generation syntax, you can use keywords to specified with what components you need to generate utilities. Keywords are written as ordinary components through a space. Note that by default when specifying the components, the value of the utility without components is also generated. This behavior can also be changed.

Also, using one keyword, you can specify several of the same type of components.

More detailed examples will be added later.

  • ArOl
    at-rules only. No generate values without at-rules
  • ArSt
    at-rules states. Generate values with states, with at-rules and with states + at-rules
  • ArSO
    at-rules states only. Generate only values with states + at-rules
  • StOl
    states only. No generate values without states
  • StCb
    states combine. Generates values with post and pre states at the same time, if they are listed after the keyword. Example: StCb ^:h_C-red_ StCb lc => ^:h_C-red_lc
  • BpAll
    all breakpoints. Generate values with all breakpoints
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3.1.5 #how_to.mk_utils.range Range syntax

To generate a range of values, mlut has range syntaxes. Now there are 2 types of such syntaxes: number and color. Range syntax is written in square brackets in the list or map of values. Range syntax depends on range-generator utility option.

Note: if only one range is specified in the list of values, after it you need to put a comma:
([-1, 5],). Otherwise, the program will take the range for the list of values.

Source: content/main.css, line 994 #how_to.mk_utils.range.color Color

May consist of three or four arguments. General form:
[$colors-list, $shades, $step, $function: 'adjust'].

@include'C', (
	['prm0', '2_h StOl', ('alpha': 0.2, 'green': 30)],

// CSS
.C-prm0_h:hover {
	color: #c06;

.C-prm0\*80p_h:hover {
	color: rgba(204, 0, 102, 0.8);

.C-prm50_h:hover {
	color: #cc1e66;

.C-prm50\*80p_h:hover {
	color: rgba(204, 30, 102, 0.8);
  • $colors-list
    In the color list, you can specify:
    • in advance declared color
    • hex color
    • global keyword that contains color
    • CSS variable
  • $shades
    the number of shades to generate. Note that alpha shades are generated separately from the other shades. Generation syntax is allowed
  • $step
    map with arguments for a function, with which the shades is generated. If the red, green and blue arguments have the same value, then you can specify one rgb argument. In alpha you can specify CSS Variable.
  • $function
    a function that is used to generate a shades. You can specify the name of the function from the sass:color module, or the custom function with meta.get-function()
    Defaults to: 'adjust'
Source: content/main.css, line 1028 #how_to.mk_utils.range.number Number

Number is default range syntax. You can use it with any utility if another range generator is not specified in its options. May consist of 2 or 3 arguments. General form:
[$start, $end, $step: 1].
In the $start value, and only in it, you can specify a measurement unit, as well as the utility components.

@include'Bdw', ([2u, 4],));

// CSS
.Bdw2u {
	border-width: 0.5rem;

.Bdw3u {
	border-width: 0.75rem;

// etc.
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3.1.6 #how_to.mk_utils.apply Top-level apply

If you want to create only a few utilities with specific values or components, you can use the apply mixin. If you call it outside another rule, it will generate the specified utilities:

@include ml.apply(
	'-Gdl-r,#0f0;30p,#00f;80p,red -Drps10;15;#00f,20;2r;5;#0ff'

// CSS
.-Gdl-r\,\#0f0\;30p\,\#00f\;80p\,red {
	background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #0f0 30%, #00f 80%, red);

.-Drps10\;15\;\#00f\,20\;2r\;5\;\#0ff {
	--ml-drps: drop-shadow(10px 15px #00f) drop-shadow(20px 2rem 5px #0ff);
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3.2 #how_to.lib Work with library

As you remember, the library part of mlut contains basic styles, helpers and utilities. By default, only basic styles and helpers are included:

@use 'mlut/tools' as ml;
@use 'mlut/dist/core';

But you can include only the necessary parts of the core:

@use 'mlut/tools' as ml;
@use 'mlut/dist/core/helpers';

Note: for convenience, in the examples we will include mlut as if we specified a Sass load path, so that each time we do not write ../../node_modules/mlut. It is default behavior with JIT engine

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3.2.1 #how_to.lib.utils Core utilities (AOT)

This section contains modules with ready-made utilities and a module for initialization. To get all utilities, just include core/utils. If you want to load only certain sets, then include them, and then include the initialization module:

@use 'mlut/dist/core/utils/box-model';
@use 'mlut/dist/core/utils/text';
@use 'mlut/dist/core/utils/init';

To load core utils without generating them, include the core/utils/load module. This may be needed when using addons.

All utilities are sets to $utils-map by the key core.

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3.2.2 #how_to.lib.utils_config Utilities configuration (AOT)

When including libraries and addons, you can include, exclude or overwrite only certain utilities. To do this, use the special fields in the $utils map:

  • /allow - include only these utilities, list
  • /ban - exclude these utilities, list
  • /override - map with utilities and values, which will be merged into $utils-map with overwriting. Passing null will clear $utils-map.
@use 'mlut/dist/core/utils' with (
	$utils: (
		'C': red,

		'/override': (
			'M': (1u, 2r)

		'/allow': (
			'M', 'C',

// CSS
.C-ih {
  color: inherit;

.M1u {
  margin: 0.25rem 4px;

.M2r {
  margin: 2rem;

.C-red {
  color: red;
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3.3 #how_to.config Configuration basics

Information about the most frequently used settings.

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3.3.1 #how_to.config.bp Breakpoints

To add or change breakpoints, use the $breakpoints map.

@use 'mlut/tools' as ml with (
	$breakpoints: (
		'xxxl': 1600px,
		'sm': 480px,

@include ml.apply('<sm_W15 xxxl_W150');

// CSS
@media (max-width: 479px) {
  .\<sm_W15 {
    width: 15px;

@media (min-width: 1600px) {
  .xxxl_W150 {
    width: 150px;

The order of adding does not matter, the breakpoints will be sorted by increasing. How to completely rewrite the breakpoints, see the settings.

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3.3.2 #how_to.config.colors Colors

There are 2 ways to add colors:

1. with $colors map
@use 'mlut/tools' as ml with (
	$colors: (
		'red22': #c00,

@include ml.apply('Bdc-red22');

// CSS
.Bdc-red22 {
  border-color: #c00;
2. when generating any utility or utility group, which has a color type of conversion. If you specify a map with colors as values, then they will be added to the settings and they can be used below in other values of utilities
@use 'mlut' as ml with (
	$utils: (
		'C': (
			'red100': #911
		'/override': null,

@include ml.apply('Bgc-red100');

// CSS
.C-red100 {
  color: #911;

.Bgc-red100 {
  background-color: #911;
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3.3.3 Media features and queries

For long media queries, you can create a short alias. Such alias is called custom media query. Use $at-rures-data map in the configuration. Note when using custom media query, a hyphen is added to their names.

@use 'mlut/tools' as ml with (
	$at-rules-data: (
		'media': (
			'custom': (
				'myMq': '(orientation: landscape) and (min-height: 20rem)',

@include ml.apply('@:-myMq_D-f');

// CSS
@media (orientation: landscape) and (min-height: 20rem) {
  .\@\:-myMq_D-f {
    display: flex;

You can also add a new media feature. They are stored in the same registry as the utilities, in the media section. Added as well as utilities.

@use 'mlut/tools' as ml with (
	$utils-data: (
		'media': (
			'registry': (
				'st': scripting,

@include ml.apply('@:st-n_D');

// CSS
@media (scripting: none) {
  .\@\:st-n_D {
    display: block;
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3.3.4 #how_to.config.new_utils Create new utils

To create a new utility, add it to the registry during configuration. As a value, you can specify CSS property or map with options.

@use 'mlut/tools' as ml with (
	$utils-data: (
		'utils': (
			'registry': (
				'Mil': margin-inline,
				'Ir': (
					'properties': image-rendering,
					'keywords': (
						'ce': crisp-edges,
						'p': pixelated,

@include ml.apply('Mil-15 Ir-p');

// CSS
.Mil-15 {
  margin-inline: -15px;

.Ir-p {
  image-rendering: pixelated;

You can create a utility for changing one property even without registration and SMS. Just specify the name and values. If the name of the utility begins with -, then it will control the custom property.

@use 'mlut' with (
	$utils: (
		'display': (flex, 5r),
		'/override': null,

@include mlut.apply('-MySize-a');

// CSS
.display-flex {
  display: flex;

.display5r {
  display: 5rem;

.-MySize-a {
  --ml-mySize: auto;

This works for any method of generating utilities. Please note that the default conversion type will be used for the values of such utilities.

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3.3.5 #how_to.config.generic_css Generic CSS

Generic CSS includes resetting styles, setting box-sizing etc. You can customize or completely remove these styles. Their configuration is in $general-config, by the key generic-css. The configuration is a map, each element of which is a boolean flag. If set to true, the specified CSS will be generated. To disable these styles, pass null instead of a map.

@use 'mlut' with (
	$general-config: (
		'generic-css': (
			'svg-fill-cur-color': true,
			'reset-border': true,

For the time being, available settings can be viewed only in the code, but later they will appear in this documentation. You can find here The final CSS with comments.

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